Information about the company.

Ltd. “Slavs” company, founded in 1993.

Since 1995, the main activity is the procurement, processing and sale of polymer waste (LDPE, stretch film, HDPE, PP, PET bottle, scrap preforms and blowing, polycarbonate, hard plastics, etc.) in the form of granules.

Currently, Slavyane LLC is a full-cycle company engaged in the purchase, selective sorting and processing of recycled materials in Chernigov, and selling its products in all regions of Ukraine. With production lines for each type of raw material, it is capable of processing more than 100 tons of waste every month. Modern high-tech equipment is involved in the production, which allows to produce large volumes of environmentally safe products in a short time, and taking into account all customer requests.

Since 2000, the company has launched an injection molding line, and is dynamically expanding it at present. It manufactures products in small and large quantities to order across the country, ranging from household items to products for the defense industry. Takes on the implementation of any parts – both standard and individual for a particular sample.

Since 2008, the production of technical equipment for injection molding, as well as repair and maintenance of molds and dies has been chosen as another key area of ​​activity for the enterprise. Over 10 years of successful work in the industry, the experience of both management and qualified personnel has been gained, capable of providing quality services to its customers in the development of molds and dies for the manufacture of products of any complexity.

At the moment, Slavyane LLC is a factory that implements the full cycle of the production of molded products: from 3D-design to serial casting, including from the actually produced secondary raw materials.

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Contacts, map

Ukraine. Chernihiv region. Chernigov. Worker’s street, 6